Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Heyeku: A Fascinating New Form of Art!

No, it's not a typo; I didn't mean to spell 'haiku'. But the similarities are more than the differences. A haiku, according to Wikipedia, is a poetic form originating in Japan consisting of three lines of 5, 7, 5 syllables each. The idea of a juxtaposition or contrast should be present, often introduced in the last line.

A heyeku is a visual poem. It is a term coined by me, combining haiku + eye. Much like its textual counterpart, a heyeku consists of three segments, lasting about 5, 7, 5 seconds respectively. And, like with a haiku, the third part of a heyeku should involve a juxtaposition.

I was never too interested in video, until I got the Nikon J1, that has pretty decent video capabilities. And so, I thought to express myself this way. Below you can find one example:

For more, visit www.heyeku.com or AmateurNikon's YouTube page (subscribing to the YouTube channel will be highly appreciated!)

Hey, if you like the idea why don't you make your own? I'm sure there are videographers out there that are much better than me! I'd be happy to link to some really good ones. Hmm...maybe we should have a competition ;)

Let's see if we can promote this a little - you can help by sharing & liking this page - or any heyeku YouTube video you'll find interesting. Thanks!

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